Mèlisses, Andros: Island Adventures

For the last few years, I have co-taught a creative retreat with Blakely Little, organised and hosted by Allegra Pomilio of Mèlisses, Andros.

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Mordants: What Are They?

natural dyeing

Make Paint From Plants | It’s Live!

Natural Colour

How To Use Buddleia For Natural Dyeing

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Making Paint from Plants | New Course

Studio News

creative retreats greece

Creative Retreat In Greece | Come Join Us

Mèlisses, tucked away on the historic island of Andros, is host to the En Plein Air Retreat this October.

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Welcome to my journal on natural dyeing!

Explore the rich world of plant-based dyes, learn about sourcing natural colours, and discover seasonal hues. Whether you're new to dyeing or an experienced enthusiast, join me as we dive into the alchemy & beauty of natural dyeing. 

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natural colour + plant dyes

Three Tips To Improve Your Colours 

Find out if you're making these common natural dyeing mistakes and learn about three areas of improvement to save countless hours & improve your colour results! 

Free guide

Three tips to improve your colours & results!