Create Stunning Natural Colours From Plant Dyes

Step into a world of soothing colour & nourish your creativity through natural dye workshops, courses & resources. 


Natural dyeing is a simple way to cultivate creativity & connection to nature so you can experience greater joy, artistry & satisfaction in your life. Let me show you how rewarding natural dyeing can be!

Natural dyeing is the ancient process of extracting colour from natural elements to dye fibre.

Learn how

This one-hour mini-course teaches you how to naturally dye fabric or garments beautiful shades of pink and peach using avocado stones.

Naturally Dye Fabric With Avocado Stones

enrol in my free mini-course

Natural dyeing immerses you in a world of colour. Colour that is safe for you & our environment. 

safe & sustainable

Creative pursuits boost brain function, uplift our mood and improve overall mental health. 

Mood boosting

Natural dyeing equips you with the skills to dye anything you want in any colour you desire! 

confidence building

Did You Know That Natural Dyeing Is:

View upcoming workshops →

Immerse yourself in the natural dye process & see firsthand how enthralling, rewarding & creatively inspiring this process can be. Natural dyeing workshops are held in various locations throughout the year. 


Learn Together

Transform your dyeing journey with my natural dyeing courses, designed to dispel the stress, confusion, and overwhelm often experienced by beginners. Immerse yourself in the art of natural colour, acquire new skills, and connect deeply with nature. Discover how to nurture your creativity by harnessing sustainable colours from the natural world.

Online Courses

Take a look at the courses →


Take me to your services →

Whether you want to organise a private natural dye workshop for yourself, a loved one or a group, get in touch & let me know what you need. 




“it is the absolute best explanation of the dyeing process I have ever come across.”


I'm Kathryn, your go-to dye nerd!

I’ve combined 14+ years of natural dyeing experience & research with traditional natural dye techniques to help you achieve great colours, successful results & a rewarding creative practice.

Learn more about me →


Transform Your Art with Nature


Are you looking to add a unique, eco-friendly touch to your art? Imagine creating vibrant, natural paints from flowers, leaves, and other plant materials. 

3 Biggest Mistakes Novice Dyers Are Making

Find out if you're making these common natural dyeing mistakes and learn about three areas of improvement to save countless hours & improve your colour results! 

Free guide

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Novice Dyers Are Making