Guide to extracting yellow dye from buddleia

How To Use Buddleia For Natural Dyeing

Are you curious about how to use Buddleia for natural dyeing or the vibrant colour possibilities? Read on for a step-by-step Guide to Dyeing with Buddleia.

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Natural Dye Blog

6 Surprising Sources of Plant Dye

As spring slowly awakens here in Ireland and the leaves are still unfurling, the landscape is changing. There is a throng of dye sources raising their heads after a spring that was slow to start.

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Welcome to my blog on natural dyeing!

Explore the rich world of plant-based dyes, learn about sourcing natural colours, and discover seasonal hues. Whether you're new to dyeing or an experienced enthusiast, join me as we dive into the alchemy & beauty of natural dyeing. 

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natural colour + plant dyes

3 Biggest Mistakes Novice Dyers Are Making

Find out if you're making these common natural dyeing mistakes and learn about three areas of improvement to save countless hours & improve your colour results! 

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The 3 Biggest Mistakes Novice Dyers Are Making