New | Making Paint from Plants

Making paint from plants is easier than you think! Plant-based paints are not only environmentally friendly but also connect us to the beauty,

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Creative Retreat In Greece | Come Join Us


Buí: Worth A Trip To Castletownbere


London: Natural Dye Workshops

Natural Dye Workshops

6 Surprising Sources of Plant Dye

natural dyeing

Washing & Caring For Plant-dyed Clothing

Washing and caring for plant-dyed clothing doesn’t have to be stressful. With a little care & a few tips, you can prolong the life of your plant-dyed clothing for years to come.

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Welcome to my blog on natural dyeing!

Explore the rich world of plant-based dyes, learn about sourcing natural colours, and discover seasonal hues. Whether you're new to dyeing or an experienced enthusiast, join me as we dive into the alchemy & beauty of natural dyeing. 

Browse The latest posts below:

natural colour + plant dyes

creative retreat greece

Creative Retreat In Greece | Come Join Us


Mèlisses, tucked away on the historic island of Andros, is host to the En Plein Air Retreat this October.

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Buí: Worth A Trip To Castletownbere


My dear friend and incredibly talented photographer, Doreen Kilfeather, is having an exhibition in collaboration with stylist Aisling Farinella. Buí will be on show at the Sarah Walker Gallery from June 1st to 30th, 2024

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Natural Dye Workshops London

London: Natural Dye Workshops

Natural Dye Workshops

Discover the Magic of Plant Colours: Join Our Plant Dye Workshops in London Upcoming Workshops I am very excited to return to the inspiring studio of Kristin Perers for two days of immersive workshops at ‘The Flower Factory Studio‘. These will be my first natural dye workshops in London since the pandemic and I cannot […]

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natural dye plants

6 Surprising Sources of Plant Dye

natural dyeing

As spring slowly awakens here in Ireland and the leaves are still unfurling, the landscape is changing. There is a throng of dye sources raising their heads after a spring that was slow to start.

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Washing & Caring For Plant-dyed Clothing

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Washing and caring for plant-dyed clothing doesn’t have to be stressful. With a little care & a few tips, you can prolong the life of your plant-dyed clothing for years to come.

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Natural Dyeing With Hawthorn

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The Hawthorn tree, ‘Crataegus monogyna’, grows across North America, Europe, and Asia. Native to Ireland & steeped in folklore, Hawthorn is an incredible source of natural colour.

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Autumn Natural Dye Workshops

Natural Dye Workshops

If you are looking for something creative to do as the weather changes & we move towards the winter equinox, I have a host of autumn natural dye workshops lined up for November & the new year.

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dyeing with st. johns wort

St.John’s Wort As A Natural Dye

natural dyeing

I recently explored St.John’s Wort as a natural dye source, the results did not disappoint! Of all the plants I have experimented with, this is one of the most surprising!

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3 Biggest Mistakes Novice Dyers Are Making

Find out if you're making these common natural dyeing mistakes and learn about three areas of improvement to save countless hours & improve your colour results! 

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The 3 Biggest Mistakes Novice Dyers Are Making