New | Making Paint from Plants

Making paint from plants is easier than you think! Plant-based paints are not only environmentally friendly but also connect us to the beauty,

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Creative Retreat In Greece | Come Join Us


Buí: Worth A Trip To Castletownbere


London: Natural Dye Workshops

Natural Dye Workshops

6 Surprising Sources of Plant Dye

natural dyeing

Washing & Caring For Plant-dyed Clothing

Washing and caring for plant-dyed clothing doesn’t have to be stressful. With a little care & a few tips, you can prolong the life of your plant-dyed clothing for years to come.

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Welcome to my blog on natural dyeing!

Explore the rich world of plant-based dyes, learn about sourcing natural colours, and discover seasonal hues. Whether you're new to dyeing or an experienced enthusiast, join me as we dive into the alchemy & beauty of natural dyeing. 

Browse The latest posts below:

natural colour + plant dyes

What is Eco-printing a.k.a Steam Bundling

natural dyeing

Eco-printing is sometimes called botanical printing, eco-dyeing, bundle-dyeing or steam bundling. Whatever you call it, it is the process of wrapping & steaming plant material onto fabric to create various beautiful patterns & prints.

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natural dye workshops

Join Us: Summer Workshops

Studio News

This summer’s natural dye workshop in collaboration with the incredible Jeni + Mo Glasgow was one of the most beautiful & memorable workshops to date! The sun came out in all its glory, we foraged for colour in…

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Irish Linen: Fibre to Fabric

Studio News

By the early 1900s, Northern Ireland had over 75,000 people working in the linen industry and it had become one of the largest linen-producing regions in the world.

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recent chats with zoe & morgan

Recent chats with Zoe & Morgan

natural dyeing

In recent chats with Zoe & Morgan, they got in touch & asked if I’d like to answer a few questions for their journal.

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June: Create, Forage + Feast

natural dyeing

This next workshop, which I am most excited about, is in collaboration with my lovely friend and creative magic maker Jeni Glasgow.

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Creative Retreat On The Island Of Andros

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This year’s creative retreat took place at the incredible Mèlisses, a stunning cliffside B&B that trails down to the waters of the Aegean

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natural dye book

Natural Dyeing: My Book

Studio News

This natural dye book covers the entire process from start to finish. With simple yet comprehensive instructions on …

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natural dye plants

Natural Dyeing with Heather

Natural Dye Sources

When natural dyeing with Heather, the woody stems and flowers can both be used.

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3 Biggest Mistakes Novice Dyers Are Making

Find out if you're making these common natural dyeing mistakes and learn about three areas of improvement to save countless hours & improve your colour results! 

Free guide

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Novice Dyers Are Making